In accordance with the policies authorized by the top management of our company, all purchases will be governed by the following policy:
It shall be the procurement policy of VESTEL to obtain all supplies, equipment and services at the lowest cost to VESTEL that meet or exceed the customer’s specifications for performance, quality and availability at the time of purchase. In conforming to this policy, the capability, capacity and historical performance of the supplier will be considered and weighed in the decision process. Sourcing decisions will also be tempered by supplier diversity and environmental impact considerations. Competitive bids will be solicited whenever possible and practical and in compliance with all applicable legal rules and VESTEL general policies.
The subjects of code of ethics are the folllowing:
1.Legal Compliance
2.Mutual Respect, Honesty and Integrity
4.Respect to Human Rights
5.Occupational Health and Safety
6.Environmental Consciousness
Procurement Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct